Wednesday, January 30, 2008

And therefore...

Counting this one, that's three more down.


Sean Newbury said...

I guess there was too much traffic on the high road...

Jerome said...

Let's be honest. Nobody's coming here for quality content.

And don't blame me. I wasn't the one who turned it into some sort of "My blog's bigger than your blog" contest!

Keltie (whom I love and adore whether she's writing her weblog or not) did!

Sean Newbury said...

well.. I actually do come here to be amused, entertained... and today like so many others... I was.

Keltie said...

I'm risking a spanking from Misster Kitty our seventy year-old woman father figure here, but WHO started it? That would be YOU, stigmata boy.

And I love and adore you too, even though you're the bratty little brother I never had. Hmph.

Sonya said...

Hmmm...I have absolutely nothing to add to this lovely banter, but am feeling ever so left out, so may I please be the next blog? Please! Please! Please?

Keltie said...

Hey! Do you have a weblog, Sonya? If so I'm put out that I didn't know about it.

Sonya said...

You're reading it hun. My life revolves around reading about yours and Jeromes!

Keltie said...

I think you should write your own blog. You already have a blogger account; the next step is SO CLOSE.