Sunday, February 03, 2008

Puppy Love: Deadly Edition

You know what drives me nuts? (Stop! Stop listing things! It was a rhetorical question!)

People who choose to drive around with their dogs on their laps. That's right. People in the driver's seat who think it's somehow acceptable to have a living creature sitting on top of them while they're operating a motorized vehicle. Add to that the fact that they're doing so these days on roads covered with ice, slush, and snow, and I'm significantly more irritated.

Then I see the ShePound today and I get really steamed.

She's driving around, grinning like the Cheshire Cat (seriously, folks, she was about as crazy-jolly as they come) and was attempting to manoeuver her minivan around a corner with not one, but two dogs on her lap. And, though we're not talking great danes here, we're also not talking about tiny pipsqueak dogs (which would also bug me, so don't drive around with chihuahuas on your lap either). Definite mid-sized breeds. One is sitting on her lap, face pressed to the window while the other is somehow being clutched to her chest with one arm while she turns the wheel with the other.

You, my dear, are a raging idiot worthy of the accident you will someday have.


Sonya said...

Is it wrong that I was the dog on my father's lap for the first 10 years of my life?

5 kids, in the 70's, I'm afraid that was the only seat left in the car...

Jerome said...

Please note that I'm not going to make any sarcastic comments at all.

Why? Because I love you dearly.

Sonya said...

Says the sarcastic tone heard 'round the World...