Monday, May 12, 2008

News Flash

Sometimes it's amusing what people say when they're not really saying what they mean to be saying and what they think they're saying.

Today, while watching the news, the reporter was talking about the residents of Fredericton who are trying to pick up the pieces after the recent flooding.

Then he came out with the line which amused me greatly.

"Now they're waiting to see if and where they will be living for the forseeable future."

Humina-huh? What was that? Whatchu say?

"If and when."

IF and WHEN?!?!?!

Let's break that down. That translates into "Now they're waiting to see if they will be living for the foreseeable future and where they will be living for the foreseeable future."

"IF they will be living for the foreseeable future."


I'm thinking that if the answer to that is no -- if they are not to be living for the foreseeable future -- then the odds of them living in the more distant future is rather unlikely as well, let alone WHERE.

Oh, you silly news guy and your poorly constructed sentence!

1 comment:

Sean Newbury said...

OMG! the silence has been broken... WOO HOO!

Honestly tho, I really think that ANYONE who voluntarily lives on a flood plain, ought not to be allowed to obtain any insurance, NOR be allowed to obtain assistance out of tax payers pockets. I know we all gotta live somewhere, by you DON'T have to live on a piece of land that floods 4 years out of 5... Get a clue...

...and speaking of clues, that includes Mr. News Reporter.