Sunday, January 25, 2009


Here's something somewhat curious about me.

When I go to the movies, which isn't that often these days, I feel cheated if there aren't sufficient previews, or if I arrive too late to see them. I'm happiest if there's a good four or five of them. And car commercials or soft-drink promotions do not count. (Those I could do without.)

I do not feel the same way about videos. If they're there, they're there; if they're not, fine. I do, however, insist that they be skippable. I can't stand it when DVDs won't allow you to skip straight to the menu. That's just offensive.

Additionally, I feel a little cheated if I open a new DVD and find no little paper anything inside the case. If it's just a case with a disk, I think that's just plain cheap. Ideally, there would be an interesting little booklet, much like those that come with CDs, but at barest minimum there should be a little listing of chapters/scenes with a copy of the movie poster on the reverse. Come on, people. Is that too much to ask?

1 comment:

Sonya said...

Ohhhhhhh!!!!!! I sooooooooo agree!!!