Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Thematically Linked

When one reads many books in a short period of time, seemingly coincidental connections between them become evident. Not long ago, for example, I suddenly realized that three books in a row made mention of the drug laudenum.

Here are some thematic links I’ve noticed so far during this Summer Reading Spectacular:

art and artists (particularly Impressionists) -- The Mysterious Edge of the Heroic World; False Impression;

wars -- The Mysterious Edge of the Heroic World; How I Live Now, False Impressions, Maus: Volume One, The Book Thief;

The Second World War, in Particular -- The Mysterious Edge of the Heroic World, Maus: Volume One, The Book Thief;

pregnancy and birth -- Feathers, Edward’s Eyes, 11 Birthdays;

deafness -- Hate That Cat, Feathers;

hiding places -- The Invention of Hugo Cabret, Ordinary Ghosts, Off the Road, False Impressions (sort of), The Book Thief, Where I Live Now, Maus: Volume One;

metaphors about bowling balls in stomachs (seriously) -- The Book Thief, 11 Birthdays;

the sentiment that you can’t eat books -- The Book Thief, Maus: Volume One;

death -- almost all of them.

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