Saturday, September 25, 2010


Ages and ages ago, I lost my spare car key. One day, I'm going to do something random -- move the dryer, unpack a box of Christmas lights, or open a bag of pasta -- and there it will be, inexplicably revealed after years of absence. Until that happens, it's probably smart to have a spare on hand.

To that end, I went and had a new key cut.

And that's where it gets a bit odd.

I tried it in the door of my car and was thrilled when I was greeted with the telltale click, the wee button in the door popping up obediently to tell me that the key was working like a charm.

Getting into the car, I inserted it into the ignition and ... it wouldn't budge. Nope. Not even going to entertain the notion of turning. Nope. Nuttin'.

Apparently the ignition has higher standards than that loose and easy door, that will pop it's lock for any old substandard key.

1 comment:

Karina said...

I have a similar issue with my car. Got a new key cut and while it opens the doors and starts the car it will not open the trunk. It's quite annoying to have to open the car door and pop the trunk from there with your hands full of groceries and such...