Sunday, January 27, 2008


I maintain -- with varying levels of consistency -- two little weblogs on this fine site.

I have noticed an odd little quirk of blogger, though.

You see, this weblog, this very dullgloomy is posted quickly and easily. When I press "Publish", up it comes, date- and time stamped accurately and automatically.

When I press "Publish" on A Year in Haiku, however, I must first go into "Post Options" to correct the time. Otherwise, it will be anywhere between three and four hours off. Strange, no?

I didn't say it was interesting, or even important in any way. Just curious.


Sean Newbury said...

From your SETTINGS TAB, check out the FORMATTING options... prehaps something is amiss there... (maybe Time Zone?)

Keltie said...

I believe that when I 'bullied' you into starting this weblog I 'bullied' you through every single step, including setting the correct timezone.

You, however, set up A Year In Haiku all by your brilliant self. :)

Jerome said...

Strange, though, that it didn't figure, "Hey, it's the same account posting, so ...."

'Tis all fixed.

BUT, while I'm here, dear Keltie, I'd like to point out that you're the one who bullied me into starting this here weblog and now you're all, "I don't think I'll write on Kaybee much any more..." Hardly seems right.

Keltie said...

In light of the fact that I've written 804 entries in that weblog I think I can claim the need to take a break.

Please get back to me when you've written 804 entries in DullGloomy, of course!

Sean Newbury said...

Now kids... play nice... don't make Misster-Kitty come over there and put you over my knee.

Jerome said...

Both of us? At once?

Sean Newbury said...

Don't under-estimate the power of the Kitty.

Keltie said...

Believe me: I don't!

And besides, I already won the argument. :D

Sean Newbury said...


Don't - make - me - turn - this - Blog - around!

Keltie said...

OK. I'll try to be good. But it doesn't come naturally, over here.

And I might not have made it clear that I'm looking forward to Jerome's 804th post, since it will mean that he has continued to share his wonderful self with us online for at least that long!

Sean Newbury said...

well, I'll understand the odd momentary slip up... :-)

804 posts huh? At 288 posts I'm at least over a quarter of the way there. :-) Jerome is alas only at 116 and so only just over an eight of the way there... even if we count in the haiku, at this point he's at 145...

Keltie said...

I used to post almost every single day. I loved writing, and I still love writing, but I've encountered some behind-the-scenes hijinks that have made writing in the old KayBeeBlog less appealing. Plus, after talking about myself for a solid four years I'm just ... ready for something new, maybe. Hence, 365 Masks.

Jerome said...

You know I understand and support your decision, particularly if you choose to keep my updated through regular phonecalls instead!

Sean Newbury said...

"behind-the-scenes hijinks"...

Well I'm nosey enough to ask for more deets...