Saturday, October 07, 2006

Chiduckey, Anyone?

If you've been reading ShinyHappy, you know that Keltie's been discussing the curiosity which is Turducken. Having never heard of such a thing before a few days ago, I found it all very odd.

Imagine my shock and surprise when at work this evening a coworker mentioned in passing that she would be making Turducken this weekend! Insanity! My jaw just about went through to the dining room below. She says she may try to drop by with some of it, so if that happens, I'll be sure to let you know my thoughts.

Anyhoo, that's about all the time I have. I've gotten in from work, scarfed a very late supper, and in the morning I'm off to get into intensive makeup bright and early (why do I do these things?), so I'm packing it in.

1 comment:

Keltie said...

I am intensely curious! I hope she does bring you some so that you can educate us on the Turducken experience.

Perhaps I'll make toseipeh someday. Tofu/seitan/tempeh. I just found a recipe for tofu jerky, so it's not like there isn't room for the bizarre in vegetarian eating.