Thursday, October 05, 2006

Random Thoughts

Okay, so I've completely fallen down in my blogging duties. If I'm not careful, I'm going to lose my readership -- both of you. In any case, here I am ready to share a few scattered thoughts.

I'm tired. I had a little run of rehearsals for CHICAGO and, not being used to that these days, was feeling a little weary come Wednesday. I also discovered one good scratch across my back, amid several bruises, from when we had a slip-up or two when rehearsing Velma's using my spine as a staircase. I'll survive, I'm sure. I've also got a smack of laryngitis and *surprise* have a show to do tomorrow night. Take that, add the fact that Saturday I'll be wandering around and chatting with people in character as a 105-year-old wizard, and I'll pretty much be mute by Sunday.

That aside, what else can I tell you? I'm sure I had something to say earlier... I'm officially addicted to Line Rider, though I'm hard pressed to say exactly why. I've made it my own personal goal to see how long a route I can create for the little sled-riding fellow. I had a smashing one going a few days ago, complete with jumps and precarious almost-fall-offs but sadly I had to restart my computer and goodbye to my smashing tour. Still, I've got a decent one going now, so I'm feeling good again. I'm officially a geeky whack job.

I watched Ye Olde Survivor tonight and think that they should hire me to create some challenges for them. How often can they use the "you'll be tied to a rope and you'll have to go through a course" thing? That's almost as tired as me. I was pleasantly surprised by how completely overthrown JP was, though, complete with two of his guy buddies voting for him. Hahahaha!

Finally, and just as randomly, I picked up Beck's new CD today and am giving it a first-listen-through even as I type. So far I'm approving.

Anyway, I must run along. I'll try to be a bit more relevent next time.


Keltie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Keltie said...

I so wish you could join us for Survivor night on Thursdays. It's a fun time with May and Dan, you know.

I was also thoroughly pleased with J.P.'s flabbergastery.

Jerome said...

Were you the one who deleted the comment? Did you write something shocking and scandalous? Would I have been offended? The mystery of it all!

(As an aside, I think "dsorelzi" may be the best verification word I've come across in a week or two.)

Keltie said...

Well, I debated telling you since you seemed to be enjoying the mystery, but I will end the suspense:

I made a typo in my first comment, so I deleted it and commented again. How dull.

Turducken, though.

Jerome said...

Oh. Is that all? I think I saw a case just like that on CSI not long ago.